Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sure,They "LOST" the emails.

Erik Kilpatrick Sure..They "LOST" them... We need depth of character in our Government... Someone who has a FIRM grasp on the difference between right and wrong... Someone who WILL NOT LIE and someone who will call out the liars! The Government of this Nation believes the People belong to it!... We should REMOVE fundraising for Elections, we should put a camera and microphone on EVERY elected official and every uniformed Police Officer and make that imagery available on C-span BY LAW!... We should pass a law that requires every elected Official to leave office with no more acquired wealth than when they entered office... Our Governments mindset HAS to change... There has to be ACCOUNTABILITY in EVERY facet of Government, ESPECIALLY the(privately held) Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS and ALL Clandestine forces(NSA,CIA etc..) RESCIND the TRAITOR ACT you voted for! Who do you people think you are?.. My PRIVACY is NONE of your business ..REEL in the unconstitutional behavior of THIS and EVERY future President. RESCIND the NDAA!..This Government CANNOT hold Americans indefinably without DUE PROCESS!....Regardless of what "LABEL" you put on them.... And finally, This Government thinks it can legislate away the Constitution... and as far as I can tell... through your voting record, you are part of the problem...SO COME CORRECT and stop looking at us like we are a flock, ready to be fleeced!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Whistleblower or Traitor?

 One of the differences between a Whistleblower and a Traitor is the Government's reaction to the information becoming public. Did our Federal Government stand behind their actions?...No, they changed their "Policy of (unconstitutional) data collection". This, in and of itself, is proof they know they are in the wrong. Furthermore, I would contend it is the Government who puts our agents in harms way with it's tendency for undeclared, illegal and Unconstitutional behavior....There is no accountability in the Federal Reserve, no accountability in the NSA,CIA or any other "U.S. Clandestine" forces. I firmly believe that this Government feels WE belong to IT...and if this mindset continues unchecked tyranny will ensue.