Thursday, October 25, 2012


  I'm an American!..with an innate distrust for Government...and I share this view with the Framers of our Constitution. This view is not based on speculation or conspiracy theories, It is based on history and facts. Our Federal Government is run by some of the most corrupt politicians in our Nation. They collude with Big Industry, they collude with the Federal Reserve(a private,for profit bank), they collude with Wall street Financiers but they are most deceitful when they are in collusion with the Media . This adds up to a Country that is Governed "For the Industry,By the Industry"....The wrong people are in charge of this Nation, for all the wrong reasons. As far as I can tell,there is not a single Patriot among them! For example,the President introduces a bill and congress passes the bill but excludes themselves from following this new law, This is a form of CONTEMPT against the people of this Nation! The National healthcare act is just one of many examples of this disgraceful behavior. I don't have to read any of this 1000+page bill to disagree with it!....If it is not good enough for Congressmen, it's not good enough for Americans. Elected Federal Officials will argue that they have their own healthcare plan, again another form of contempt...they voted to give themselves healthcare(on the taxpayers dime) without including the Citizens they are sworn to represent! To add insult, they voted themselves a pension after only 5YEARS of service! Yet another dupe on the American People...Some of these freebaggers are actually talking about entitlement reform! HA! Recently, our President introduced a bill to stop inside information stock trading by Government employees and Elected officials. What? There is already a law against inside trading!.. Apparently the Law applies to citizens, not government employees or elected officials...Here's the kicker...They amended the original draft of this bill, so past transgressions will go unpunished!...Now it's a bill they will vote for!.....CONTEMPT !!!                      

Friday, September 21, 2012

Fast and Furious Perps Exonerated!

    It may come as a surprise to most Americans,but we have "rouge" agents in the justice department!Who(reportedly) have taken it upon themselves to help arm a Mexican Cartel.It's a twisted plot,with denial, informants,double agents,murder,cover up,executive privilege and self exoneration...complete with players from Texas,Mexico,Washington and Chicago...a sad example of government officials betraying the trust of  American is apparent,these "rouge"agents feel it is necessary to work outside the perimeters of our Constitution. I have to ask myself,what is the mindset of a person who fails or refuses to follow the laws in which he or she has taken an oath to uphold?...... My only answer is that this person, or these people, have lost belief in the ideals that form the foundation of this GREAT Nation.
     Danger is the word that comes to mind when I think about the ramifications of an agent or official without accountability..danger to our liberty,danger to our freedom...danger to innocent lives....

Thursday, September 6, 2012

in response to my "wasted vote"

 Pull your blindfold off for a second Chuck..."voting for the 3rd party is Pointless" is exactly what they(Federal Reserve Banking Industry & MSM) want you to believe!... The R&D SHEEP believe they can't change the system with the vote,therefore the 1% will always own the show...and to add stupidity to the mix,whichever side wins, the sheep will celebrate like they got something done... This makes you and everyone else that thinks like you,part of the problem... a double serving of "realistic" for you!...You have potential to become a free thinker Chuck...This process starts with an INFORMED vote...go to the LOC and look at where the $$$$ comes from...and when it says superPac...they are not "For the People,By the People"..then vote your CONSCIENCE...that doesn't mean try to pick the winner Chuck..that means pick the candidate with the ideals that most closely match yours...Right now you believe its between a Marxist or a Banking industry backed Bigot...that's not a choice, that's a 4 year sentence, targeting our Freedom, Liberties and Money...