in response to my "wasted vote"
Pull your blindfold off for a second Chuck..."voting for the 3rd party is Pointless" is exactly what they(Federal Reserve Banking Industry & MSM) want you to believe!... The R&D SHEEP believe they can't change the system with the vote,therefore the 1% will always own the show...and to add stupidity to the mix,whichever side wins, the sheep will celebrate like they got something done... This makes you and everyone else that thinks like you,part of the problem... a double serving of "realistic" for you!...You have potential to become a free thinker Chuck...This process starts with an INFORMED vote...go to the LOC and look at where the $$$$ comes from...and when it says superPac...they are not "For the People,By the People"..then vote your CONSCIENCE...that doesn't mean try to pick the winner Chuck..that means pick the candidate with the ideals that most closely match yours...Right now you believe its between a Marxist or a Banking industry backed Bigot...that's not a choice, that's a 4 year sentence, targeting our Freedom, Liberties and Money...
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