Thursday, August 22, 2013

A reply to Arkansas's bill to ban Tattoos

Dear Sen.Irvin, If you find a Fad repulsive,use YOUR discretion and don't follow it!!...To try to force,By Law, your Citizens to Follow your Beliefs and Convictions is a Form of the case of your Bill to ban Body Modification and Tattoos, is to deny freedom of expression...Furthermore,Your bill will not stop Tattoo Artists,it will only drive them underground and create ANOTHER dangerous,unregulated black market....Please retract your Bill from the Senate of your Great State and work on something that will REALLY make a difference...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


They promise a goose but only deliver feathers...They promise Affordable Health care..then implement forced, expensive BS...Just build a FREE Hospital in every Town and City......They Promise Security..... then violate EVERY person's right to privacy....They promise to ease mandatory sentencing for Nonviolent drug charges...(you can bet,There will be a catch on this too)....Just legalize MJ...and the Dangerous hard Drugs?..Decriminalize them and offer ANONYMOUS Free treatment... But most of all, stop promising FIRE but only blowing smoke up our butts! 

Friday, July 26, 2013

In response to N.J.Gov. Christie's comment on Constitutional Thought.

  Libertarian/Constitutional thought is only Dangerous to a Tyrannical agenda....Ask yourself, How many people have DIED PROTECTING the Constitution?...Probably someone in your Family...Did they DIE in vane?....Mine did not Governor Christie....If you do not put the Constitution FIRST,like you promised in your OATH,You are not worthy of your Office.....The Sacrifices have been made.... long before 9/11/2001....

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

In response to Rolling Stone's cover...

PLEASE Rolling Stone,stick to Music!'s what you are good's what your readers want. Glamorizing a mass murderer may sell your magazine --but it's not music....And don't you feel a "little''compelled to respect the Victims?...was your goal a controversial subject?...a Picture glamorizing Edward Snowden would have done the trick. I know, I's your 1st amendment right to publish what you want... I must ask with the 2nd amendment comes responsibilities,shouldn't the 1st be used responsibly as well?...Could the misuse of the first amendment be as dangerous,or even more dangerous, as the misuse of the second amendment?...The press, with intentional government disinformation, has driven this Nation to war in the past..more than once...the 2nd amendment? not a single war(yet)....PLEASE Rolling Stone,stick to Music!

Monday, July 8, 2013

In response to Jim Carry's apology...

   Film and TV have aided in the desensitizing of Gun Violence...remember how the Ateam would fire off 200 rounds at people and it rarely showed anyone get shot?...You can't erode or take my INALIENABLE right to own firearms...but Glorification of gun violence,on a National or any level is just bad for society...It is ironic that Hollywood and TV networks are unwittingly the chief proponents of gun violence and,at the same time,some of the most vocal against gun rights ....furthermore,plastering the Faces,Names and Life stories of mass murderers on the News only gives the next sick individual initiative to "Be Somebody"

Friday, June 28, 2013

In response to Same sex Unions

  Do you agree that the definition of Marriage is a union between a Man,A Woman and God?.....Do you believe a fellow citizen of this country should not have the same rights to Liberty and Freedom as you?...I am FAR from Gay...and I don't understand the attraction to someone of the same gender...But this whole issue stinks of hypocracy,phobia and persecution...By definition,two people of the same sex cannot enter the union with God,called Marriage...but in this Country,by Law,all Men(and Women) are created equal....we need another Name for this type of Union...but with the same rights and protections under the Law...but outside of the "Holy Union"...and without Judgement,because that in itself is sin.   

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"We the Bamboozled"

   Write OR vote for a bill that is TRAITOROUS,Call it something the "Patriot"act...collude with security agencies to hide it's true nature from the Citizens,all the while denying them 4th amendment protection....Call the whistleblower,who is OBVIOUSLY defending the Constitution, a Traitor!......and at the end of the day,You call YOURSELF a Congressman?...a PRESIDENT?.....Please... don't let FACTS get in the way of YOUR REALITY!!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

In response to the "Gang of 8" immigration bill.

 That's right!.....Come Correct!....You 8 guys must have read your FB pages!.....Your bill needs verbose that MANDATES enforcement of the LAW!...see Senators,We don't trust you, and for good reason, we have seen in the past,Just because you pass a Law,doesn't mean it will be enforced!

Monday, June 17, 2013

This is a good start.....

  How about NO parties,NO Lobbyists,No Delegate vote,no "Fundraising",no Media,no Opinion Polls?Misinformation will bring a misdemeanor charge and Disinformation a felony charge...The Citizens get a list of Candidates,then it is up to each individual person to"INFORM" themselves before they vote...When each Candidate or Elected Official gives a speech,He/She is hooked up to a polygraph with the results displayed along the bottom of the TV screen...No Pension,Free healthcare ONLY while they are in office,2  term limit for EVERY federal office(Including Supreme court Judges),no PAY for Congressmen if they can't balance our budget to within a certain % of our GDP.When the elected enter office,they are not allowed to leave office with more money than the $174k(Congressmen's pay) a year+what they were worth BEFORE getting elected,Senators and Congressmen are REQUIRED to live in the State they represent(no moving to DC),No Vacations for the President,He leaves DC on Official Business only. Federal elected employees must pay for their vacations...But most of all,The Constitution can only be amended by 3/4 of the POPULAR vote and the words are not to be "Interpreted"by anyone other than the Citizens....This is a good start.

Friday, June 14, 2013

What does it mean to be an American?

  What does it mean to be an American?. I have no idea...and suspect this to be a loaded question. I can guess that it means to be a free person, living in a democratic society, with inalienable Rights....but something tells me it is more than that.
  The Founding Fathers formed a Nation governed "By the People, For the People "but these people, the first Americans, are not who we are today.These Men and Women were extraordinary,their temperament was forged in the personal sacrifices of oppression,tyranny and war...and through these sacrifices they became visionary.They wanted to govern themselves,to represent themselves and to be accountable to their peers.They would not be governed by a King,represented by a King or be accountable to a King.
  The first Americans realized that EVERY Man has certain God given Rights.These rights are inherent,like the color of your eyes,the color of your hair....the color of your skin.(it took a civil war to work this out)No King,No man,no government,No legislation can ever take these rights away.They are inalienable and have been paid for by the blood of our Families.
  When these "traitors"formed our government,they bound this new representative body to the princible of God given Rights of every American and declared independence from tyranny.To defend these ideologies,this first Congress,through the clear vision of experience,depth of charactor and free thought processes,included a clause in this declaration:..... "We hold these truths to be self evident,that all men are created equal,that they are endowed with certain inalienable Rights,that among these are Life,Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these Rights,governments are instituted among men,deriving their JUST powers from the CONSENT of the governed-that when any form of government becomes destructive to these ends,it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute a new government." 
   America became a great nation because our government and it's citizens enacted and followed Fair and Just Laws....But sometime in the past two centuries,our government has lost it's sight,lost its character.Greed has filled that void in the heart of our Nation.Industry backed initiatives to grab power,based no longer on the Rights or the consent of the governed but on the protection of corporations and industry.These entities have taken over our government, our media, our televisions by using money,fear and indoctrination to install their agendas,install their congressmen,their senators,their federal judges........Their Presidents.As a result,there has been a shift in the relationship between the government and the citizenry.Abuse of power,non-transperancy,erosion of liberties,freedoms and rights,institution of unjust laws based on exclusive religious dogma,racism, and moral "perception" have evaporated the vaneer of trust between us.
  Now,a citizen who witnesses and exposes FELONIOUS,unconstitutional behavior in a branch of government is called a "Traitor" by government (industry backed) cronies.Instead of being hailed as a hero,a promoter of what is RIGHT and JUST....a defender of our Constitution, the whistleblower is accused of treason!
  So back to the question,"What does it REALLY mean to be an American?"...I am afraid we will only find out AFTER that underlined clause in our Declaration has been instituted....God Bless Us All..

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thank you for your Opinion but no Thanks.

In response to the Federal Government's attack on the 4th Amendment-----  Legislate all you want,Erode the 4th amendment over time,Have a Federal Judge back you up while skirting it...But REMEMBER...Your and your Judge's opinion does not matter, because this was not written for YOUR "Legal"interpretation....What matters is how WE THE PEOPLE Interpret our Inalienable RIGHTS!...It is YOUR job to enforce OUR interpretation!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

      In response to Immigration bill S744..... I DO NOT TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT!...Why would I support ANY bill your INDUSTRY "Representatives" introduce...You lost me at the "Patriot"act,which in fact,was enacted by TRAITORS....NDAA,AFFORDABLE Health care?..HA! GFYS!...You erode personal freedom with every bill you pass! So the answer is NO...I'm am against ANY bill that comes out of  THIS congress,Your motivations,Your Values, Your Ideologies...Your Character cannot be trusted.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Welfare Recipients in Kansas Testify Against Themselves

  Posted in Sen.Jeff Melcher's(R)Kansas FB message inbox  .....If you are a true representative of the PEOPLE of your state and You voted to erode welfare recipients 5th amendment right ...You and your fellow Congressmen should take mandatory drug tests as well..You called it"Political Theatrics"..but Faust-Goudeau has a better understanding of what is fair and just than you....Truth being said, forcing a Citizen to testify against Him/Herself is Unconstitutional regardless of what method you use to extract the testimony...and Unconstitutional regardless what legislation industry backed Politicians pass and industry appointed Judges rule.....ask yourself what "Innocent until Proven Guilty"means....then reconsider your vote.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

 GW/Congress never officially declared war on Afghanistan or Iraq...They issued a "use whatever force necessary"resolution...The Constitution doesn't give that power to either the President OR Congress...And thats right...He did make up the WMD story to "sell" his Lie to the American People...Obama continues this unconstitutional policy,set by the example of Truman and the Korean war... These two Presidents failed to stay within the parameters of the Constitution..and now,with the advent of Drone Strikes,Our GREAT leaders can Murder American Citizens "on foreign soil" without Due Process...We should Impeach the sitting President and indict the Former on War Crimes....And let it be known that ANY ELECTED Official,ANY INDUSTRY,ANY Government Agency(including Congress,DoJ,CIA,FBI,IRS,DHS,etc)any branch of the Military or ANY Individual who fails to follow the Constitution will face Prosecution...