Monday, June 17, 2013

This is a good start.....

  How about NO parties,NO Lobbyists,No Delegate vote,no "Fundraising",no Media,no Opinion Polls?Misinformation will bring a misdemeanor charge and Disinformation a felony charge...The Citizens get a list of Candidates,then it is up to each individual person to"INFORM" themselves before they vote...When each Candidate or Elected Official gives a speech,He/She is hooked up to a polygraph with the results displayed along the bottom of the TV screen...No Pension,Free healthcare ONLY while they are in office,2  term limit for EVERY federal office(Including Supreme court Judges),no PAY for Congressmen if they can't balance our budget to within a certain % of our GDP.When the elected enter office,they are not allowed to leave office with more money than the $174k(Congressmen's pay) a year+what they were worth BEFORE getting elected,Senators and Congressmen are REQUIRED to live in the State they represent(no moving to DC),No Vacations for the President,He leaves DC on Official Business only. Federal elected employees must pay for their vacations...But most of all,The Constitution can only be amended by 3/4 of the POPULAR vote and the words are not to be "Interpreted"by anyone other than the Citizens....This is a good start.

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